12 Dec

Cannabis on the rise, impact on adolescents and farmers in Wisconsin

Photo Courtesy Jay Selthofner.

By Dani Csaszar and Alison Stecker

Individuals across Wisconsin have been experimenting with delta products for several years now, and new hemp-derived products and marijuana alternatives are becoming popular across the state. 

An anonymous student from UW-Milwaukee explained that Delta 8 has come as a good alternative for those seeking a non-THC product. 

“I’ve seen many take it as a legal option to enjoy marijuana but without the risk that comes with legitimate THC. Weed smokers, in general, are pretty stoked about Delta 8 products from what I’ve seen,” they explained. 

When buying said delta product, the individual explained that they have been more careful with it, considering they are synthetic cannabinoids that do not hold as much research as normal THC products. The UW-Milwaukee student said he’s exprienced concerns over regulation and scamming, but has become more comfortable over time with knowing what works for them as opposed 

“When deciding on a brand I usually buy from influencers in the weed scene who produce their own Delta 8 products,” the student said. “Since a lot of these products aren’t federally tested yet, it’s a lot safer to base your purchase off of a personality you trust.”

Experts have expressed concern over the rise of these THC products. 

According to Dr. Cecilia Hillard, the director of the Neuroscience Research Center at Wisconsin Medical College and a cannabis researcher, THC has a lot of alcohol-like characteristics that help people relax and feel more sociable. For 85% of people, that kind of cannabis does not cause problems, but another 10-15% of people develop cannabis use disorder, she said. 

“That’s one of the big issues with any drugs like alcohol or cannabis. This potential idea that using cannabis early can really mess up brain development, particularly causing psychiatric disorders that are devastating and long-term consequences,” Dr. Hillard said. “There is some evidence in human literature that children who use a lot of high THC content and cannabis or start using it at a young age increase their risk of developing schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.”

Dr. Hillard also brought up a counterargument, saying that there may be some other genetics that causes an individual to use cannabis when they are young and develop psychosis.

“It’s so hard to do studies in humans because you have the chicken and the egg problem,” she said. “More and more I’m beginning to wonder if it’s not so much  a causative relationship. Yes, maybe high-dose cannabis use in adolescence is associated or correlated with psychosis but I’m not sure we can say it causes it.” 

While the rise of delta products in Wisconsin leaves some experts concerned, it has left small-business Hemp farmers thriving. Luke Heidt, the owner of Wisconsin Hemp Flower in Eau Claire, said he’s in support of legalizing hemp, but doesn’t expect regulations to change anytime soon.

“Marijuana will not be medically legalized for at least another two years with the people currently in office. It would be great for Wisconsin.” said Heidt.

In November, 82% of Dane Country residents indicated on their ballots that marijuana should be legalized. Dr. Hillard echoes this sentiment. 

“In my opinion, we are better off developing those molecules and putting them under FDA regulation and selling them under use and drugs rather than people using whatever cannabis regulation they can buy to treat various conditions,” she said. “I think we should legalize and tax just like we do alcohol and fund research.” 

Democrat Gov. Tony Evers plans to incorporate marijuana legalization into his 2023-2025 budget, but for Heidt, the future of cannabis companies remains very foggy. 

“Hemp companies are small companies that have built themselves up. A certain amount of hemp stores would close, but every two years cannabis changes and there are new trends,” Heidt said. “Whenever a bill is proposed in Wisconsin, it’s usually not a good bill.”

Although this may be true, Heidt’s business is thriving and plans to continue to do so. 

“I’m glad to see small businesses succeed, but I can’t see legalization being good for small businesses. Hemp people are always seeing how things change and are trying to stay in business,” he said.

Heidt also said he thinks Delta 8 products will diminish over time. He explained that the marijuana industry changes about every two years. Just like trends, marijuana products fluctuate.

“No matter what happens, Delta 8 products will disappear, and if it does become legal, they will be available online,” he said. “I think there is still a market for it if people need it for those who take a drug test.” 

“Everyone that stated in hemp claimed to have some interest in the cannabis or interested in making money. These are helping keep a lot of businesses in business. Without Delta 8, a lot of places would have gone out of business,” Heidt said. 

Although Delta 8 products have kept businesses afloat, it’s not viable for the long haul. 

“My initial concerns were that Delta 8 wouldn’t be as regulated, therefore allowing for more scamming to take place. But after frequent uses of Delta 8, I find it to be a less intense version of THC,” the UW-Milwaukee student added. 

“Hemp had low-cost production because I was using space that already excites me. I had an extended knowledge base about cannabis. The only thing I had to learn was how to run a business,” said Heidt.

Regulations have not changed much on CBD and delta products, which has opened opportunities for both farmers and small businesses. Both of these products have turned into a profitable alternative to medical marijuana.

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