Dear Reader,

This project began with hours of debate over potential themes for our site. As each idea grew more nebulous than the last, journalists began their reporting before an official topic had been chosen, and some chose entirely different subjects mere days before the deadline. With very little direction and resources, our team of reporters worked tirelessly to tell the powerful, relevant stories of their community.

We are proud to present This is Wisconsin, a look into the state through the eyes of 20 young journalists. 

Our site features over 30 stories that are separated into five broad categories: Culture, Migration, Landscape, Business and UW. The broad variety of topics our reporters covered guarantees that every visitor will be able to find something of interest on our site.

These are the stories that our team felt represented Wisconsin, so go ahead and click through our site. See how much you can learn about Wisconsin, and test yourself with the This is Wisconsin crossword puzzle below. 


Aditi Debnath and Rachel Sokolow

Managing Editors

About the Project

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